South Pacific Ministries - Facilitating Mission & Ministry in the South Pacific

Picture 30 Million people having the opportunity to hear and receive the gospel. Jesus says “go into all the world” and we are ready and willing. There are key stable congregations already in existence who, with your assistance, will become strong strategic platforms,reaching out with the message of Jesus to our lost world.  We invite you to learn more about how you can help in the following two ways:

#1. Existing Key Churches Becoming the Launching Pad for the Expansion of the Gospel into their Own Regions

  • Papua New Guinea Developing Mission Stategies to Each their Islands, the Solomon's and Vanuatu
  • Fiji becoming a Hub of Mission Work to Tonga, Samoa, and the Cook Islands
  • New Zealand and Australia Spearheading Church Plantings Within their own Countries

#2. Christians Throughout the South Pacific Equipped and Enabled to Respond to Real Needs Within Their Communities Through a Variety of Ministries.